Saturday, February 18, 2012

Progress on Star's keel

Work is progressing on getting Star's keel sanded & repainted with antifouling paint.  Weather isn't cooperating, but we hope she's getting refloated this coming week.  Then our trailer - our home for now - goes on Ebay.  Then we move onboard.  Wow.

Getting prepped

We are allowed some time off for good behavior.
View from our fave restaurant, The Oar House, on Bayou Chico
And we always love the local wildlife.
Saw this guy on the way to the beach

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Pensacola, 2-1-12

Patiently waiting to get
 back in her element
Some of my dear friends have been asking what we've been up to.......the shape of our days is this - morning walk to the beach, 5 miles roundtrip, then work on the boat. Varnishing & sanding - and this means one day sanding, one day varnishing, for about 9 coats. Ask me if I miss work! As the boat's not back in the water yet, this means climbing a ladder to what seems a great height & trying to stay away from the edge, which feels like a cliff edge and a long way down. In the next week or so, we're having her bottom painted - every girl's dream, I know - & then she's being floated and we can start sea trials, making sure everything works properly, including the crew of me & he!